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Wai Lana Yoga TV Series

Wai Lana has produced and hosted nearly 200 half-hour television

programs of yoga instruction.

Wai Lana Yoga TV Series

Wai Lana has produced and hosted nearly 200 half-hour television
programs of yoga instruction.

Wai Lana Yoga TV Series

Wai Lana has produced and hosted nearly 200 half-hour television programs of yoga instruction.

One of the world's most-watched yoga teachers

Wai Lana is one of the most well-known yoga teachers in the world today. Look at one of her shows and you will quickly understand why. Entertaining, informative, lively and yet serene—it is hard not to get hooked on Wai Lana Yoga.

Beautifully produced, the shows are shot on location from the world-famous coastlines of Hawaii and California to the spectacular red rock deserts of Sedona. The shows feature beautiful, relaxing sound-tracks of original music by Wai Lana.

Her daily yoga TV shows are regularly watched by millions of people around the globe on five continents. In the Unites States, her 30-minute television series “Wai Lana Yoga” started airing nationwide in 1998 and is still airing today after more than 20 years—making it the longest-running fitness series ever on public television.

Does your public station air Wai Lana Yoga or Wai Lana Insights?

Check your local listings or call your local public station to find out. If your local station is not carrying Wai Lana Yoga or Wai Lana Insights, please let them know that you would like them to carry the series. If you need contact information you can call our toll-free number: 1-800-228-5145.

If Wai Lana Yoga is on the air, let the station know you like it—they want to hear from you.

Now available on Amazon Prime
What People are saying about Wai Lana Yoga
Wai Lana Yoga TV shows are very enjoyable and invigorating
I was having a lot of health issues and experiencing all different kinds of bodily pains. I tried different medications, but wasn’t getting any positive results. I was starting to lose hope. Finally, a doctor suggested that I practice yoga. I searched for a good yoga instructor that could teach me in a way that was appropriate for my health condition. One of my friends suggested that I watch and follow Wai Lana Yoga on TV. Wai Lana’s teaching style was perfect for me, it was like I was learning from a personal yoga teacher. She gently guided me through the poses with clear instructions and identified possible challenges I may face in my practice.I started with the easier poses and they have worked wonders on my body. Gradually I have experienced relief from my bodily pains and my muscles are more supple. Practicing yoga with Wai Lana as been very enjoyable and invigorating. I am very grateful to you Wai Lana. Thank you very much!
---Christine, New Jersey
Yoga shows by Wai Lana help me feel stress-free and relaxed
Long days at work, followed by family responsibilities and chores, used to cause me a lot of stress. I would try to unwind by watching TV, but I began to realize that that only offered me some superficial relief. The next day would bring back same amount of stress. Then one day I came across the series on TV and saw her teaching yoga dance.She seemed so graceful. Her joyful dancing with the singing of yoga sound in such a soothing voice touched my heart. There was something so attractive about her voice that I couldn’t stop watching her. At the end of the show I felt very relaxed and had let go of all my tension. Now I am practicing Yoga Dance with Wai Lana regularly and experience a relief from the stress, worries, and anxieties.I would recommend to anyone seeking relief from their stressful, busy life to practice Yoga Dance with Wai Lana. I also enjoy practicing asanas along with Wai Lana on her YouTube channel.Thank you Wai Lana!
---Kylie, Washington
Wai Lana teaches in a very selfless way in her TV Shows
Over the last year, I have suffered with various health problems, indigestion, joint pains, and so on. Luckily, I came across the Agnisar Kriya episode of the Wai Lana Yoga TV Shows. I loved her playful and energetic way of teaching yoga. She teaches in a very unselfish way.I started doing Agnisar Kriya following her detailed instruction and could feel the toxins in my body gradually expelling. After practicing regulary, the gas, bloating, and constipation I had been experiece have reduced considerably. I feel lighter and more relaxed. I’ve also noticed my abdominal muscles are getting stronger.Thank you Wai Lana for this generous gift!!
---Nicholas, Boston
Wai Lana Yoga TV Shows solved many health issues
Unfortunately, I often neglect my posture while working long hours in front of computer. Recently, I started experiencing a nagging lower back pain. One of my friends suggested I follow along with Wai Lana Yoga TV shows to try to get some relief. So I started watching Wai Lana on TV and I love her teaching style with the step by step instructions and on-the-spot tips. It’s definitely helped with my lower back pain, especially her Sacrum massage pose. But Wai Lana also teaches many other poses which help to support and provide relief to the lower back. I have felt a significant positive change after practicing Yoga with Wai Lana.
---Michael, North Carolina
In my opinion anyone of any age can practice Wai Lana Yoga
I believe that anyone can practice Wai Lana Yoga, and the reason for this is because I witnessed my 87 year old mother with multiple health problems. She had trouble walking, she was walking with a walker. She was having to use wheel chair. she was having difficulty with her heart, with her lungs, she was 87 years old but she was so feisty that she would stand here in my living room against her walker and she would practice Wai Lana with me. And know we were not concerned about how far could she bend, wasn't about that. It was allowing my mother to participate in various poses or various breathing exercises or just the music or just the meditative part and just experiencing Wai Lana Yoga. In my opinion anyone of any age can practice Wai Lana Yoga. I have a very bad hip, shoulders and back, most of us have things that are not perfect about us physically. I do believe anybody and having witnessed my mom I know for a fact anybody can practice Wai Lana Yoga. There is no question in my mind and they will benefit and they will feel happy and they will get the song in their heart just like my mom used to say.
---Marilyn Rogaven
Wai Lana reaches you on many levels; physically, mentally and spiritually
After practicing with Wai Lana all these years I resonate with her teaching. I had many teachers over the past but Wai Lana stands out for me. Her style of teaching, her method of teaching, I resonate with her method. She reaches you on many levels; physically, emotionally and spiritually and that, she explains the postures to you so you have a better understanding of what you are doing. They are not done rotes or mechanically. She is very inspiring in her teaching.
---Norma Wolf
I benefited whole-heartedly
It was years ago when I found out about Wai Lana. I happened to be on internet and I happen to be looking up something with yoga because I know it relaxes the mind, the body and the soul. So while watching the internet in some of her tapes or the videos, I said this seems more relaxing, this seem like me being near the water, relaxing and so calming and soothing. So it was something that I eventually wanted to get but at that time I just let it slide and then years came down in the line and this is, you know I need yoga in my life, so let me look up Wai Lana again and that's where I discovered her and benefited whole heartedly. My favourite thing about practicing yoga with Wai Lana is just the ocean view, just being near the water, it's just a mindset. It helps the body to relax with, you know you are just near the, you see the sand, you see the water, you hear the water, and it just helps you to just get in the mood of, getting your body towards wellness and also inhaling and exhaling.
---Patricia Diggs
The whole thing was an experience
I think that I like best about Wai Lana Yoga was, her energy is so beautiful and the locations are so captivating and so relaxing, and the way she moves in the, just her energy was just so beautiful in her, outfits, I love the way she dressed while she was doing Yoga, it was just really special, you know much different than some other yoga tapes that you see in, you know, kind of you know workout clothes, but with Wai Lana Yoga tapes, she, the whole, just the whole thing was an experience.
---Rebecca Glavan
Wai Lana helps me to remove stress
Wai Lana definitely helps me to remove stress. With this, with the exercises and also in the daily meditation. There are certain exercises that Wai Lana does, especially at the end when she lays on the floor and she tells you to relax and relax each muscle and your body just sinks into the floor and that's the best part when you are just totally close your eyes and relax at the end of the exercise.
---Robert Hentz
The Stress-Relief that I get from Wai Lana Meditation is fantastic
At young age I was involved in a lot of contact sports, and I never really took the time to stretch and warm up properly. Consequently I have knee and lower back problems. Since I have been doing the Wai Lana Yoga I felt much improved, not only from a physical point of view but also from an emotional point of view. Without doubt if I hadn't been doing the Wai Lana Yoga I probably would have injured myself in some manner doing the type of activities I do. I do some heavy work around the house; trees, lawn, gardening and it just helps me in almost every activity that I do.Wai Lana yoga has affected my family life and that it's affected me and my way of coming to grip with certain stressful situations. I have 2, 94 year old parents that my wife and I are now taking care of and there comes times when it's a real challenge and yes the stress relief that I get from Wai Lana and Wai Lana meditation and programming is fantastic, very very helpful!!
---Tim Spicer
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Wai Lana Yoga TV shows are very enjoyable and invigorating
I was having a lot of health issues and experiencing all different kinds of bodily pains. I tried different medications, but wasn’t getting any positive results. I was starting to lose hope. Finally, a doctor suggested that I practice yoga. I searched for a good yoga instructor that could teach me in a way that was appropriate for my health condition. One of my friends suggested that I watch and follow Wai Lana Yoga on TV. Wai Lana’s teaching style was perfect for me, it was like I was learning from a personal yoga teacher. She gently guided me through the poses with clear instructions and identified possible challenges I may face in my practice.I started with the easier poses and they have worked wonders on my body. Gradually I have experienced relief from my bodily pains and my muscles are more supple. Practicing yoga with Wai Lana as been very enjoyable and invigorating. I am very grateful to you Wai Lana. Thank you very much!
---Christine, New Jersey
Yoga shows by Wai Lana help me feel stress-free and relaxed
Long days at work, followed by family responsibilities and chores, used to cause me a lot of stress. I would try to unwind by watching TV, but I began to realize that that only offered me some superficial relief. The next day would bring back same amount of stress. Then one day I came across the series on TV and saw her teaching yoga dance.She seemed so graceful. Her joyful dancing with the singing of yoga sound in such a soothing voice touched my heart. There was something so attractive about her voice that I couldn’t stop watching her. At the end of the show I felt very relaxed and had let go of all my tension. Now I am practicing Yoga Dance with Wai Lana regularly and experience a relief from the stress, worries, and anxieties.I would recommend to anyone seeking relief from their stressful, busy life to practice Yoga Dance with Wai Lana. I also enjoy practicing asanas along with Wai Lana on her YouTube channel.Thank you Wai Lana!
---Kylie, Washington
Wai Lana teaches in a very selfless way in her TV Shows
Over the last year, I have suffered with various health problems, indigestion, joint pains, and so on. Luckily, I came across the Agnisar Kriya episode of the Wai Lana Yoga TV Shows. I loved her playful and energetic way of teaching yoga. She teaches in a very unselfish way.I started doing Agnisar Kriya following her detailed instruction and could feel the toxins in my body gradually expelling. After practicing regulary, the gas, bloating, and constipation I had been experiece have reduced considerably. I feel lighter and more relaxed. I’ve also noticed my abdominal muscles are getting stronger.Thank you Wai Lana for this generous gift!!
---Nicholas, Boston
Wai Lana Yoga TV Shows solved many health issues
Unfortunately, I often neglect my posture while working long hours in front of computer. Recently, I started experiencing a nagging lower back pain. One of my friends suggested I follow along with Wai Lana Yoga TV shows to try to get some relief. So I started watching Wai Lana on TV and I love her teaching style with the step by step instructions and on-the-spot tips. It’s definitely helped with my lower back pain, especially her Sacrum massage pose. But Wai Lana also teaches many other poses which help to support and provide relief to the lower back. I have felt a significant positive change after practicing Yoga with Wai Lana.
---Michael, North Carolina
In my opinion anyone of any age can practice Wai Lana Yoga
I believe that anyone can practice Wai Lana Yoga, and the reason for this is because I witnessed my 87 year old mother with multiple health problems. She had trouble walking, she was walking with a walker. She was having to use wheel chair. she was having difficulty with her heart, with her lungs, she was 87 years old but she was so feisty that she would stand here in my living room against her walker and she would practice Wai Lana with me. And know we were not concerned about how far could she bend, wasn't about that. It was allowing my mother to participate in various poses or various breathing exercises or just the music or just the meditative part and just experiencing Wai Lana Yoga. In my opinion anyone of any age can practice Wai Lana Yoga. I have a very bad hip, shoulders and back, most of us have things that are not perfect about us physically. I do believe anybody and having witnessed my mom I know for a fact anybody can practice Wai Lana Yoga. There is no question in my mind and they will benefit and they will feel happy and they will get the song in their heart just like my mom used to say.
---Marilyn Rogaven
Wai Lana reaches you on many levels; physically, mentally and spiritually
After practicing with Wai Lana all these years I resonate with her teaching. I had many teachers over the past but Wai Lana stands out for me. Her style of teaching, her method of teaching, I resonate with her method. She reaches you on many levels; physically, emotionally and spiritually and that, she explains the postures to you so you have a better understanding of what you are doing. They are not done rotes or mechanically. She is very inspiring in her teaching.
---Norma Wolf
I benefited whole-heartedly
It was years ago when I found out about Wai Lana. I happened to be on internet and I happen to be looking up something with yoga because I know it relaxes the mind, the body and the soul. So while watching the internet in some of her tapes or the videos, I said this seems more relaxing, this seem like me being near the water, relaxing and so calming and soothing. So it was something that I eventually wanted to get but at that time I just let it slide and then years came down in the line and this is, you know I need yoga in my life, so let me look up Wai Lana again and that's where I discovered her and benefited whole heartedly. My favourite thing about practicing yoga with Wai Lana is just the ocean view, just being near the water, it's just a mindset. It helps the body to relax with, you know you are just near the, you see the sand, you see the water, you hear the water, and it just helps you to just get in the mood of, getting your body towards wellness and also inhaling and exhaling.
---Patricia Diggs
The whole thing was an experience
I think that I like best about Wai Lana Yoga was, her energy is so beautiful and the locations are so captivating and so relaxing, and the way she moves in the, just her energy was just so beautiful in her, outfits, I love the way she dressed while she was doing Yoga, it was just really special, you know much different than some other yoga tapes that you see in, you know, kind of you know workout clothes, but with Wai Lana Yoga tapes, she, the whole, just the whole thing was an experience.
---Rebecca Glavan
Wai Lana helps me to remove stress
Wai Lana definitely helps me to remove stress. With this, with the exercises and also in the daily meditation. There are certain exercises that Wai Lana does, especially at the end when she lays on the floor and she tells you to relax and relax each muscle and your body just sinks into the floor and that's the best part when you are just totally close your eyes and relax at the end of the exercise.
---Robert Hentz
The Stress-Relief that I get from Wai Lana Meditation is fantastic
At young age I was involved in a lot of contact sports, and I never really took the time to stretch and warm up properly. Consequently I have knee and lower back problems. Since I have been doing the Wai Lana Yoga I felt much improved, not only from a physical point of view but also from an emotional point of view. Without doubt if I hadn't been doing the Wai Lana Yoga I probably would have injured myself in some manner doing the type of activities I do. I do some heavy work around the house; trees, lawn, gardening and it just helps me in almost every activity that I do.Wai Lana yoga has affected my family life and that it's affected me and my way of coming to grip with certain stressful situations. I have 2, 94 year old parents that my wife and I are now taking care of and there comes times when it's a real challenge and yes the stress relief that I get from Wai Lana and Wai Lana meditation and programming is fantastic, very very helpful!!
---Tim Spicer
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