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I would like to thank you so much for what you do

Hello Wai Lana!

I would just like to share my story with you and extend my deepest gratitude for what you do.

Fifteen years ago I had lost my way. I was struggling with depression and anxiety from past occurrences. I found solace in alcohol and made the bitter and self destructive journey into the darkness that is addiction.

My story isn’t unusual unfortunately. I had just given up.

I was working in Yellowstone National Park and dear friend sent me a care package that included a VHS tape of Wai Lana Yoga. I remembered seeing you on PBS. Well, years went by and I slipped further from reality. I had tried using the tape from time to time. And although I wasn’t really in the mind set, it always made me smile.

Flash forward to not that long ago. For reasons that are not relevant I had come to a crossing. Either stop drinking or evaporate into nothing. So I started the long journey into sobriety. And I popped that tape in every morning.

What struck me was the warmth and genuineness that exuded from your practice. I really felt a calm and balance. My body slowly got stronger and with it, my mind did as well. I started ordering DVD sets from Amazon and eagerly awaited their delivery. I even ordered your mediation DVD and that has become part of my daily practice. (My favorite is the Kirtan meditation.)

So I would like to thank you so much for what you do. It has been such an important part of my recovery. It’s very apparent the whole goal of what you do is to improve quality of life and with it the world around you, if even just microcosmically.

I am happy to say I am 7 months sober as of writing this.

Yours truly

A life you have helped change

Travis Fox

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