Hello Wailana,
My name is Mark and I just recently discovered your show on PBS (WHUT). I was very excited to stumble upon it. I have long been a big fan of Yoga and the eastern arts. Now actually a global art. I have however been struggling to find good guidance about it. I have read many different books and magazines, and spoken with many different teachers, but every where I turned there seemed to be a huge price attached to the advice. Needless to say I was very excited to find your show and have you walk me through the steps. I imediately started doing them in front of the T.V. I have to admit I felt better instantly. I love Yoga. I am looking forward to doing more with your videos as soon as I receive them.
Lucky for me I happen to have a day off today. It happens to be veterans day. Surfing through the many channels on T.V. looking for the latest bits of news (uggghhh), I am very glad to find a bit of heaven in your show. I am 34 years of age and I live in D.C. , I am finishing my Bachelor’s Degree in Communications (Media Production & Film). After living here for 20 years I hope to leave to a more beautiful place. Maybe Hawaii!?? I’ve always dreamed of going there, ever since I was a child growing up in the Middle East, it just always seemed like heaven, and maybe it is. I hope to someday in the future be able to dedicate more of my life to the kind of lifestyle to you promote, hopefully with your help. So, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.