“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” This phrase, spoken hundreds of years ago by Benjamin Franklin, is very insightful when considering how to educate our children.
I recently read an interesting article from the Washington Post which explained that the majority of modern educators use numbers and data in developing educational systems, rather than emphasizing a more hands-on experience.

Photo Courtesy: WashingtonPost.com
The yoga system teaches a holistic approach to one’s mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Thus a yogic system of learning encourages a child to adapt and learn at their own pace, utilizing their own strengths, and building on their weaknesses. It also directly involves the child in understanding the bigger scheme of things and the connection between the material and spiritual aspects of life. They come to see all facets of learning are simply parts of a whole machine.
For example, in school cafeterias children are provided meals, but how often do the children actually know what is in their meal, where the ingredients come from, or what the nutritional value and dietary effects the meal has on them?
The yogic teachings provide children with the understanding of where their meal is coming from, how it is grown, its impact on the environment and their health, and much more. This kind of holistic approach allows a child to consider all the aspects surrounding a particular subject and how all subjects are linked together, whether it is history and physical education, or lunchtime and mathematics.
Learning in this fashion is less compartmentalized and offers a more complete experience, allowing a child’s mind to develop in a well-rounded way.
I hope this article provides you with some food for thought, and encourages you to find ways to help your child have a more holistic learning experience.
Wishing you well,
Wai Lana