Stay Safe, Relaxed & Healthy
Tips for staying healthy and relaxed during these challenging times

Every day is important
Every day is important. Every day is a chance to learn, grow, and improve ourselves. Don’t take a single day for granted or let excuses stand in the way of doing what you need to do.

Yoga lifestyle
Feeling sad, upset, angry, or defeated can be very disheartening. How we handle our emotions, therefore, is very important. Our lifestyle choices can play a huge role in how we cope with distress. A yoga lifestyle helps us to nourish our bodies and minds, so we are able to feel

This too shall pass
When that moment comes, just before the last little bit of light disappears for the day, we can be at peace knowing that the darkness of night is only temporary and the daylight will appear again tomorrow. Likewise, we’ll be able to endure hard times when we recognize that “this

Mother’s Day
The yoga scriptures not only teach us about our eternal identity and where we can find real happiness, they also share practical insights into relationships and how to have a harmonious society. For example, the nurse is described as one of our mothers. So on this Mother’s Day, let us

Keep a distance while exercising
It’s good to go outdoors to get some exercise as long as we can practice social distancing. Some experts have pointed out that when we’re exerting ourselves and breathing harder, our respiratory droplets go farther than 6 feet. So it’s actually recommended cyclists or joggers stay 13-15 feet apart.

Unexpected situations
Life sometimes throws us curve balls that we don’t expect. But how we deal with them makes all the difference. Sometimes situations that are less than ideal end up helping us grow in a positive way.

Find what you love to do
They say if you find what you love to do, you will never “work” a day in your life! In other words, it feels less like a chore if you enjoy what you’re doing.

The unseen enemy
I have seen in the media Coronavirus being called the unseen enemy. But by being aware of the risk and doing our best to follow expert recommendations, we can stay safe and help support all those on the front line who are fighting to treat and prevent the spread.

Honor those risking their lives
With so many out there every day risking their lives to help others recover or to keep us safe, it’s really an honor to be able to do our part by staying home if we can.

Foundation and refuge
My yoga practice is my comfort during these uncertain times. It is my foundation and refuge. I encourage all of you to take that inward journey. It can be as little as a few minutes a day in yoga meditation. Or a couple times a week practicing yoga asanas. Try

Harmonious Relationships
There’s a saying that we should always “think before we speak.” A little bit of tact can go a long way in maintaining harmonious relationships.

Earth Day
Mother Nature often gets mistreated. So one bright side is at least she’s getting a little break right now. And hopefully when things get back to a new normal, we’ll truly appreciate how nature’s beauty is worth protecting. Wishing you well on Earth Day!

Practicing social distancing
We can all be feeling a little lonely at the moment if we are doing our best to practice social distancing and slow the spread of coronavirus. But if we appreciate that our care for one another keeps us all connected, it will help us feel less alone.

Meditation is an essential part of my day. This is why I have created my Easy Meditation for Everyone app to be able to share this most rewarding experience with you 🙂 Please check out the Easy Meditation app.

Keep everyone safe
I have missed going to the beach with my family and seeing the beautiful blue ocean. But it’s worth missing some time at the beach to try to keep everyone safe.

The Ocean
The ocean is like a dear friend. Never judging, tolerant, and always able to help calm my mind.

Inner cultivation
We don’t yet know how long our lives will be impacted by coronavirus. Because for now it is an unavoidable part of our lives, the world around us might be starting to feel a little bit crazy. But there is another world, an inner world, where we can find peace.

Caring about others
Just because we’re apart, doesn’t mean we can’t experience togetherness. Caring about others is something that can unite us all.

Moving closer to your goals
Every day is a new day to move closer to our goals. New Year’s resolutions are good, but keeping them in focus throughout the year takes steady determination.

Things happen out of control
Often times things happen that are out of your control. When it affects your mood or feelings, just remember your emotions come and go like the tide and that this too shall pass.

Yoga can be fun!
Although practicing yoga asanas should be taken seriously because it is so beneficial to our health, it’s also very enjoyable and you can have lots of fun with your practice! It’s ok if you aren’t able to do an asana perfectly. Just do the best you can and enjoy the