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Sharpen Your Mind

Sharpen Your Mind

Most of us experience small memory lapses from time to time – names, dates, phone numbers, and all kinds of familiar information are suddenly forgotten. It can be frustrating at times.

Maybe you were planning to pick up groceries on the way home and remembered when you pulled into your driveway. Or you are introduced to a new colleague at a business meeting and moments later you can’t remember his name. Do these kinds of things ever happen to you?

According to the ancient system of Ayurveda, it’s not only age that affects decline in memory and mental capacity, but also our lifestyle choices. Here are a few ways to sharpen your mind, naturally.

Keep Things Simple

If you are making lunch, talking on speakerphone, and simultaneously making a shopping list, chances are your list will be a few items short, you may not recall what was said on the call, or you may even forget the cheese in your grilled-cheese sandwich. Instead of juggling several tasks at once, give your mind room to breathe. Plan your day as best you can, so that you can give your full attention to each activity.

Sooth Your Mind

Studies show that chronic stress can damage the brain. Even if we’re not juggling too many things, we’re still thinking, analyzing, watching, worrying, and digesting information. Our minds are working non-stop. Deeply relaxing activities, such as Yoga Nidra, offer our minds much-needed rest, helping us to feel more balanced, refreshed, and alert.

Feed Your Brain

What we put into our bodies is an investment in our brains. Eating foods that are vibrant, natural, and un-processed promotes mental health. For instance, the antioxidant quercitin, which is found in apples, has “great potential to protect against chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s” according to Chang Lee (Chair of the department of food science at Cornell University). Clarified butter, or ghee, helps to nourish the brain, as do other healthy fats found in flax oil, walnuts, almonds, and avocados.

Breathe Deeply

Have you noticed that taking a few deep breaths helps clear your mind and makes you feel good? Oxygen is something we can’t do without. A steady, plentiful supply of oxygen to our brains is required for us to feel clear-headed, positive, and for the integrity of our nerves, glands, and internal organs. Practice this yoga breathing exercise to help oxygenate your entire system and relax at the same time: