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7 Tips on Drinking Water for Optimum Health

7 Tips on Drinking Water for Optimum Health

Water is truly nature’s health-giving gift. Staying hydrated with pure, clean water not only quenches our thirst, but promotes vitality from the inside out. It beautifies skin by eliminating toxins, lubricates joints, and keeps our brain neurons active and firing. It also plays a key role in regulating metabolism, promoting elimination, and boosting energy.

It’s important to drink plenty of water, so here are a few tips for optimum health:

  1. Pay attention to signals your body gives you. If you feel thirsty, drink. It sounds obvious, but many of us are guilty of ignoring the body’s regular requests for water.
  2. General guideline: drink 1L for every 50 lbs you weigh. A person who weighs 150 lbs should try for 3L a day. Keep in mind however, that the foods we eat, weather, exercise, sweating, altitude, and a slew of other factors can affect how much water we need.
  3. Sip water throughout the day, instead of chugging full glasses. This helps your body absorb much better.
  4. Urine color is a good indicator of how hydrated you are. It should be fairly clear. If it is dark yellow, increase your water intake.
  5. Drink water at room temperature or even warm water. Cold water slows digestive fire.
  6. At mealtimes, limit your water intake. Take a few sips before, during and after your meal if you like, but be aware that your digestion is weakened if you drink too much water while eating.
  7. Ensure your water is clean and pure.

Many public water sources contain contaminants such as fluoride, mercury, aluminum, algae, bacteria, pesticides, and fungi, to name a few. It pays to invest a little time and research into discerning the cleanliness of your water source, and finding the best options for purifying it yourself. Here are a few popular options to consider:

Activated Carbon
Carbon granules are positively charged with silver molecules to remove pesticides, herbicides, chlorine, and other chemicals as they pass through. Carbon filters are usually inexpensive and some are even small enough to be attached directly to the tap. Counter-top jugs for water purification are often carbon-based. This is a compact option and needs no electricity to operate, nor do they require a steady stream of water during filtration.

Ultraviolet Filters
These filters use UV radiation to kill water-borne organisms. They use electricity to operate, and require a steady stream of water supplied into the unit. They are unable to remove heavy metals or chemicals like arsenic, nitrates, and iron. They also can’t get rid of the smell of contaminated water.

Reverse Osmosis Filters
RO water purification uses electricity and involves a steady supply of water through carbon filters in addition to a semi-permeable membrane which filters out contaminants. Known to remove arsenic, nitrates, sodium, copper, lead, some organic chemicals, and fluoride, RO filters do a great job, especially in areas where the water is hard, salinated, or sourced from the ground, but are not as effective as ultraviolet filters against bacteria and viruses. One downside is that they may remove too many natural minerals, however these can be replaced with mineral drops which should be available at your local health food store.

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