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The video combines informative information with all-out fun

Wai Lana is a master yoga instructor who has had her own PBS series for many years. In this video she teaches kids yoga basics that will help your child stay fit and also provide them with a means of relaxation they can use for the rest of their life. The video is full of animations and songs that assist in demonstrating the various yoga techniques featured. Through these poses kids can practice being a multitude of different animals, which will not only engage their creativity, but also provide a fun way of practicing balance and coordination as well as releasing tension and strengthening their bodies. The Roly-Poly Bear pose will be especially helpful for those times when parents have difficulty getting their kids to bed. Kids will be able to pretend being a bear going into hibernation, which allows them to stretch and relax so that they can get the most restful sleep possible. The video combines informative information with all-out fun activities that will keep your child entertained for years to come.

—, November 2003

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