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Lord of the Dance 2

  1. Stand with feet together, knees just slightly bent. Feel your weight balanced evenly over both feet.
  2. Transfer your weight to your right foot. Gaze at a fixed point in front of you. Slowly bend your left knee back and take hold of your left foot.
  3. Press your left thigh back so it’s parallel with the right and bring your heel toward your buttock.
  4. Inhale as you raise your right arm, palm facing forward.
  5. Tilt forward from the hips so that your torso and arm extend forward diagonally. Move your left knee back and hold your left foot close to your buttock. Reach forward with your extended arm, elongating from the shoulder joint. Breathe slowly and deeply as you hold.
  6. Slowly lift your torso, then lower your arm.
  7. Release your foot and repeat on the other side.


With your hips tilted forward, elongate your lower vertebrae and on up through the spine. Be aware of the thigh stretch as you hold your heel to your buttock.


  • Balance your weight evenly over your standing foot so that you’re firmly grounded. With a solid base, you’ll be able to lift upward more easily.  
  • Keep your gaze steady. Focusing your eyes on a fixed point helps you maintain your balance.
  • Reach out strongly through your arm.
  • Gently draw the abdomen in and expand your chest.

Easier Option
Rest one hand on the back of a chair or on a wall to help you balance.

More Challenging Option
Lift your chin to look up.

Main Benefits

  • Strengthens the ankles, knees, and hips
  • Stretches the quads
  • Helps improve posture
  • Improves balance
  • Loosens the shoulders

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