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Ujjayi Pranayama

Sit up straight in a comfortable position.  If you’ve never done this before, inhale through your nose, then exhale through your open mouth, slightly constricting your throat to make a soft sound, like the sound of a sleeping baby. Repeat 2 to 3 times. Now try it with your mouth closed. Inhale normally, then exhale […]

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This relaxing exercise is excellent for relieving gas and constipation. It gently strengthens the abdominal muscles and lets you practice coordinating your movements with your breath. Lie on your back, legs extended and arms at your sides, palms down. Press your lower back toward the floor and inhale as you raise your right knee. Exhale

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Alternate Leg Stretch

This pose can teach you one of the basic yoga principles: how to breathe and relax into a pose. It’s a passive stretch and quite relaxing if you just let gravity and the breath help you gently extend your boundaries. Sit with your legs extended.  Bend your right knee to the side and place the

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Diving Pose

Many yoga poses are practiced with stillness, but this doesn’t mean they’re effortless. In “motionless” postures like this one, for example, your body actually contracts, expands, and stretches, quietly increasing your strength and stamina. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Inhale as you swing your arms forward, then back, making fists around

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Wraparound Twist

This simple twist helps relieve the minor discomfort that comes from sitting for too long. If you’re traveling by plane and can’t do it standing up, try doing just the upper body movement while sitting at the front of your seat. Move into position with your elbows bent. Stand with your feet slightly wider than

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While giving your spine an invigorating twist, this exercise releases your groin and stretches your legs and sides. You can hold this pose for 30 to 60 seconds on each side. On days when your body feels stiff, you can do repetitions instead. If you opt for the faster version, repeat the motion slowly at

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Neck Exercises

Our neck is designed to move in a variety of ways. Holding it in one position for a long period of time can overwork and weaken our neck muscles. For example, sitting for hours at a computer with our head in a fixed position often results in neck tension and stiffness. These exercises provide the

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Cat & Dog Stretch

Cat & Dog Stretch

Can you change from a dog to a cat and back again? This pose gives your back and belly a gentle stretch. Cats know that stretching wakes them up. You can do it too whenever you feel sleepy! Come onto your hands and knees so that your body is the shape of a table. Now

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If you’ve ever wanted to try yoga, you have to check out this video. Call 1800 640 524 (toll-free in Australia) or go to —Barbie Mag (Australia), January 2004

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