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Introvert vs. Extrovert, Chronic Anxiety, and Feeling Good Again

Introvert vs. Extrovert, Chronic Anxiety, and Feeling Good Again

We’re all so different, no two of us the same, each with our own tastes, things we like, things we don’t like, and our own special lens with which we view the world and the people around us.As you’ve probably come to know, some people are more social and some people less social.Social people genuinely love being around others. Going to a concert or big event is exciting.  In a school setting, a social person might form a study group to take advantage of other people’s unique skills. Or perhaps after moving to a new neighborhood they might go out of their way to knock on someone’s door just to introduce themselves.

For a very introverted person, however, those things wouldn’t come easy at all. What comes naturally for a social person might feel like pulling teeth for an introverted person—downright draining and emotionally painful or distressing.

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An introverted person needs time alone to recharge their batteries, collect their thoughts and feel rested. Not just every now and then, but most of the time in fact. An introverted person moving into a new neighborhood may be thankful they already have one or two close friends and not feel they need to meet anyone new. Spending nights at home, even if they haven’t gone out in months, will still be more attractive to an introverted person than going out. And studying alone will be far more productive and relaxed than the stress of having to study in a group.

Sometimes we think we should be more like others. An introverted person might wonder “why don’t I have as much fun when I do those same things?”The nice thing is, we’re not all meant to be the same, and understanding that, can bring relief. After all, it would be a very boring world if everyone was a carbon copy of us, right?

Let others know how you feel

One thing all of us do have in common is we all like to feel understood. It feels good when someone “gets” us, when we don’t have to explain ourselves. But it’s not always easy, especially because we’re so different. Sometimes we need to give others a clear idea of what we’re going through and let them into our world so they can help us.

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That’s why an article I read today struck me as refreshing: “If you don’t have it, chronic anxiety can be hard to understand.” This article is made up of a series of relatable cartoon drawings, taking a light-hearted look at what it feels like to be an introverted person experiencing chronic anxiety and giving lots of tips on how to let others into your world so they can understand what you go through a little better.

How can yoga help?

This got me thinking about how great yoga is for charging my batteries. Not only asanas, which help sooth my nerves and balance my emotions, but also meditation, which brings me peace and joy.

Spending time daily, nourishing my body, mind and spirit with time-tested ancient yoga practices, is my key to experiencing wellness and health. Although I love spending time with my family and close friends, I can easily identify with those who crave solitude. It is, after all, a quality of a yogi to spend time alone in prayer and meditation, being thoughtful and undistracted.

I also know that for anyone who struggles with chronic anxiety, whether they’re an introverted person or social, there’s no straightforward answer. We can just do our best and take advantage of the tools we have that will help us understand ourselves better.

Wishing You Well,
Wai Lana

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