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1 Minute Mug Cake Recipes

1 Minute Mug Cake Recipes

I love finding new recipes and came across this article from Athletic Avocado. I’m wondering why I’m only learning about these now—a cake you can microwave in a cup in just minutes. What a great idea for a quick dessert! There are so many to choose from… combos for every taste preference. And you don’t have to make them vegan or gluten-free if you don’t want to.

I got excited and wanted to try one right away so I chose the Easy Vegan Peanut Butter Mug Cake from Kitchen Treaty, since I had all the ingredients on hand.

It was soooo easy! I just scooped the ingredients into a tea mug, stirred them around, which took all of 30 seconds, and skeptically put it in the microwave for 60 seconds. And after just 1 minute, it was done perfectly. I sprinkled a few chocolate chips on top and even though they were cold from the fridge, they melted sumptuously onto the hot mug cake.

I’ll be honest; it wasn’t as fluffy and moist as the cakes I usually bake. But it was still very tasty and the convenience of having a cake in just a couple minutes from start to finish made this baking adventure a success worth sharing.

I later experimented with a carrot cake recipe and topped it with cream cheese icing. It was rich and absolutely delicious. I had a couple of bites and my grandson devoured the rest! I’m sure it’s going to become a thing now… every time he comes over he’s probably going to ask me to make him one. But I won’t mind… they’re so quick and easy and actually pretty healthy depending on the ingredients you choose. In fact, next time I think I’ll help him make it himself.

Carrot Mug Cake Recipe:

1/4 cup unbleached flour

3 Tbsp grated carrots

½ Tbsp organic sugar

1 tsp coconut oil

1 tsp cinnamon

½ tsp of white vinegar

1/8 tsp baking soda

Pinch of salt

Grease the mug with butter. Mix the ingredients in the mug. Then heat in the microwave on high for 60 seconds (plus an additional 15 seconds if needed).

I’m a firm believer in getting kids involved in the kitchen early on, and these mug cakes are ideal for kids. Just measure (think math opportunity, especially for your home-schoolers), mix, and bake. They get to have the fun of doing it themselves AND taste the delicious results almost immediately, giving them a great sense of accomplishment. What better than the sweet taste of success to spur them on to explore other culinary delights!

I have a section on smoothies in my Wai Lana’s Favorite Juices book, so now I’m going to be on the lookout for the perfect mug cakes to pair with my favorite smoothies and fruit juices to make when the grandkids come over.

Of course, it’s not only the grandkids that are going to love these. As soon as the word is out, I’m sure their parents will to want in on these easy and tasty desserts as well. I can just see the whole family in the kitchen, each one with their own cup, measuring out the ingredients for their favorite mug cake concoction. Water boiling for tea, the blender whirring for smoothies, then all sitting down together to enjoy a nutritious, home-made dessert and some quality family time.

Wishing you well,

Wai Lana

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