My back has straightened
I found Wai Lana on my local PBS station last week. I just love her! After doing yoga with her one time my back has straightened. – Carrie from Mobile Alabama
My back has straightened Read More »
I found Wai Lana on my local PBS station last week. I just love her! After doing yoga with her one time my back has straightened. – Carrie from Mobile Alabama
My back has straightened Read More »
Wai Lana’s yoga helps with your upper body strength. I think we tend to focus on walking and lower body strength for a lot of things, but some of the poses really exercise your arms and shoulders—really help to strengthen. It’s not like work. It’s just fun. – Kathy Knebel
It’s not like work. It’s just fun. Read More »
Hello to you, Wai Lana. How are you doing, today? I Would just like to say, I try to catch your TV show when I can. I really enjoy viewing it, and listening to your music, at the end. It is so peaceful to my mind, and spirit, and heart. I used to do yoga,
You have saved my life. My Yoga instructor for 10 years retired and moved away. I was lost for a while until I stumbled on your morning show on PBS (WNYE). Now during the week I spend one half hour with you and on weekends can do the full two half-hour shows. I also have
You have saved my life Read More »
Dear Wai Lana, Thank you so much for your wonderful teachings. I’ve been doing Wai Lana Yoga for a few weeks, and I feel so much better! It is truly invigorating, and I want you to know how much I appreciate you for your sharing your gifts! You are helping me tremendously, and I wanted
You are helping me tremendously Read More »
Dear Wai Lana! You are an amazing woman that changed my world with just one video. You made me feel better and gave me the strength and hope and you convinced me that I can make it! That’s just amazing how person is able to do this, you share love and hope. THANK YOU —
You are an amazing woman Read More »
I just want to thank you for the inspiring music on your yoga shows. I have been watching for the last 6 weeks and have enjoyed the relaxing you have shown us. I feel more relaxed after watching your yoga show. The beautiful background makes it even more enjoyable and more relaxing while joining in
I used to smoke and yoga gave me the desire to quit smoking, and to stick with it. I think smoking is really that your body wants to breathe. You really want oxygen, not nicotine. So what I do now is breathe deeply. It’s like the same act as smoking that cigarette, yet I am
Yoga gave me the desire to quit smoking Read More »
Dear Wai Lana, I’m a new fan of yours. I’ve been a regular exerciser for years and I love stretching and Pilates. Over the years I tried to get into Yoga and I couldn’t. I kept trying because I felt that I should like it. I wasted my money on so many workout DVDs from
I’ve been a nurse for eighteen years and I initially injured my back by lifting a patient and twisting. I was incapacitated physically for a couple of weeks. So when I felt better I went to the neurologist who was also an acupuncturist and he recommended doing yoga. So that’s how I began the Wai
Yoga definitely is a very good preventative measure Read More »