Yoga, Meditation, Healthy Recipes & Natural Lifestyle Tips

Surprise Yourself
One way to get better at yoga asanas is to imagine it. While I’m not advocating pushing too hard, sometimes just imagining you can go further into a pose will get you there. It gives you the will to try just a little harder. For example, if you’re doing Bow, visualize the beauty of the

Meditation has helped me in so many ways during every stage of life, no matter what I was going through. The harder the times were, the more rewarding it felt to be meditating.

Relieve Your Headache with Yoga
For many people, a headache is almost an everyday occurrence. It can range from minor discomfort to debilitating, agonizing pain. Some people experience headaches everyday all day long, while others don’t get them at all. (I’m sure they’re a minority!) There are so many causes of a headache and the solutions for it are just

Breathing & Yoga
The way you breathe can either help or hinder your asana practice. When you breathe smoothly and evenly, you’ll notice that your breath helps you relax into a pose, gives you more stamina, and eases tension. In fact, it’s because of the relaxing effect of the breath that we’re often told to “take a few

7 Life-Changing Benefits of Becoming Vegetarian
Namaste! October is Vegetarian Awareness Month so we wanted to provide positive inspiration for you to take some steps—little or big—toward a healthy vegetarian yoga lifestyle. If you’re already a vegetarian, here are some reminders of what a great choice you’ve made! Occasionally there is some confusion about what it actually means to be a

Learn a New Pose Today!
Some yoga poses are easy for us; we like doing them and practice them regularly. At that point when the pose becomes easy for you, it’s time to find another pose! Let’s say you learned a new pose yesterday that was quite hard for you. When it comes time to do it today, you’re reluctant.

Three Ways to Prevent Sickness
Wai Lana, host of the long-running PBS series Wai Lana Yoga, shares tips on how to stay healthy naturally. Getting sick is never fun. It not only makes us feel tired, achy, and sore, but also keeps us from doing the things we love. I have always felt that good habits are the foundation to

Strengthening the lungs
One way to help strengthen the lungs, oxygenate the blood, and simultaneously relax and invigorate the entire body is to practice a technique called Energizing Breath. Stand with your feet together or a comfortable distance apart and turn your palms out. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose as you raise your arms out to

3 Ways to Improve Memory Naturally
A quick, sharp memory is a useful tool that comes in handy throughout our lives. Whether we’re trying to remember someone’s name, making a shopping list, learning a new language, or studying for exams, our ability to recall assists us with practically everything we do in a day—even remembering where we put our keys! According

Relax into Yoga
Want to make your asana session more enjoyable and more beneficial? Then relax as you practice. Whether you do yoga for exercise, to relieve stress, or both, you’ll get more out of it if you relax. Don’t stress about how stiff you are; don’t strain to get into a pose. Just do your best and

How to Cleanse and Protect Your Liver Naturally
Wai Lana, host of the long-running PBS series Wai Lana Yoga, shares tips on liver health. Knowing the important role that my liver plays in keeping me healthy, I often share this simple truth with others: “Take care of your liver now, and your liver will take care of you.” A healthy liver will cleanse and

Good Digestion Naturally
I love being active. Gardening, yoga, entertaining friends and family, and hiking in nature are some of the activities I like to do to unwind and have fun. In order to fit in as much as I can, I follow a healthy, balanced lifestyle that promotes good digestion. The benefits are numerous. Overall vitality and

Doing Yoga with the Right Consciousness
In many yoga asana classes, it is very common for students to look at the person beside them to see how far the other is twisting and bending. They think, “Oh that person twisted 10 inches. I only twisted 2 inches.” Classes like this are always full of tension and may even result in injuries

Wai Lana’s Tips on How to Get the Best Out of Your Yoga Practice
Some yoga poses are easy for us; we like doing them and practice them regularly. At that point when the pose becomes easy for you, it’s time to find another pose! Let’s say you learned a new pose yesterday that was quite hard for you. When it comes time to do it today, you’re reluctant.

Playing on the beach again
I think lots of us are this happy to be playing on the beach again!

Now that summer is on the way, it’s time to start thinking about what we can grow in our gardens. There’s nothing better for our diet than eating fresh, wholesome ingredients. And the less we need to depend on the grocery store right now the better.

Say Goodnight to Insomnia Through Wai Lana Yoga
A good night’s sleep is valuable for our overall health. Did you ever notice that when you are sick, you’d rather sleep and sleep? This is the body’s natural way of healing and repairing. Indeed, the role of sleep in maintaining the healthy functions of the body cannot be overemphasized. Some people are lucky and

The Importance of Being Little
A change in the way society is educating its children has highlighted a problem caused by transitioning children into academics too early in life. Erika Christakis has written an interesting book on this subject called “The Importance of Being Little.” The author makes the point that very young children need to be doing more playing

Getting Our Kids to Eat Their Veggies
It is a challenge that every parent faces: How to encourage our kids to eat more vegetables. Most health-conscious parents know that there is no substitute for salads, raw veggies, and cooked vegetables and greens. Vegetables are the most nutrient-dense of all foods, containing vital minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and other nutrients that promote good health better

3 Tips for Kicking the Screen Habit
I sometimes think about the days before cell phones, laptops and tablets, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. The world communicated very differently. But there is no looking back. In this new age of technology there is huge benefits and potential as well as convenience Who doesn’t feel safer having a phone on them in case of an emergency?

Although practicing social distancing is good, don’t let it get in the way of your getting enough exercise. Depending on where you live, exercising outdoors where there are not many people around, like going for a hike or a bike ride, might be good options for you. And of course, yoga asanas are an excellent