Inspirational Stories
“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy
for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”

Inspirational Stories
“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”

Inspirational Stories
“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”
Over the years, many people who have been introduced to yoga by Wai Lana, or who have been inspired by her in their yoga practice, have written with questions or gracious expressions of gratitude.
Wai Lana’s the best
I have used Wai Lana’s tapes/DVDs for about five years. I look forward to exercise time and feel invigorated and calm afterward; and, as an added perk, I have a better body now than when I was a teenager and into ballet and modern dance. Wai Lana is the best! I have recommended her outstanding DVDs to friends, one is hooked, and he is a gym rat. I can hardly wait for grandchildren to have some little yogis of my own.
— Adele
Wai Lana provides an escape from my illnesses for a little while
I have MS and watch Wai Lana every day on TV. I can’t do most of the things that she does but I do what I can such as the hand and neck exercises. Even though I am not able to do most of the exercises, I find it calming watching the rest of the show. The last 4 or 5 minutes at the end is so relaxing and soothing with her music, it calms me down and feels good. When someone has a lot of physical ailments or illnesses it is easy to get lost in these illnesses and have them take over. Wai Lana provides an escape from my illnesses for a little while. I’m looking forward to getting my Yoga Nidra cd and Meditation Trilogy so I can listen to Wai Lana in bed when I go to sleep at night to help calm me down and relax. I’m also looking forward to receiving Wai Lana’s meditation kit!
— Sandra B
Wai Lana on KCBS in CA
I am so happy to see Wai Lana back on KCBS in CA. I have missed her so much. Power Yoga is okay, but Wai Lana is so much more. I tape every episode and do the asanas in the evening as well. Thank you again and again.
— Alverta
Wai Lana is refreshing to do yoga with
Wai Lana is refreshing to do yoga with. Although she is incredibly flexible she is not intimidating in the least. She reminds you to do what you are able to do. There are some exercises I could not do in the beginning but after practicing them a while I am able to do them.
— Nancy A
Wai Lana is probably one of the best I have been able to work with
I have a very extensive library of yoga and meditation teachings. Wai Lana is probably one of the best I have been able to work with. Her products are also very affordable which is very nice.
— Adele
Wai Lana is our favorite
I’m a 66 year old breast cancer survivor and my mother is 97 years old. We love watching Wai Lana on TV and exercising with her. We can’t do all of the exercises but we do the easier ones we are able to do. We think Wai Lana is just great, she is such an inspiration to others. She is so pretty, we love her clothes and all the nice places her shows are taped. We try to eat healthy, drink healthy juices and exercise. We do a few different types of exercises but Wai Lana is our favorite.
— Elaine and Marie, Orlando Florida
Wai Lana is just the best
Wai Lana is just the best, her show is just perfect! She is very encouraging and just an excellent teacher. I feel 20 years younger doing Wai Lana Yoga. I feel more limber and my breathing is so much better.
— JO
Wai Lana is just awesome!
Wai Lana is just awesome! I’ve been practicing with Wai Lana for 5 months and she has made such a huge difference in my life. I’m 76 years old and am getting around like a teenager, it’s incredible what I can do with my body now. I’ve seen a lot of other people teach yoga however there is something very special about Wai Lana. I used to watch her 6 days a week on my local PBS station, I’m very upset she is only on 2 days a week now.
— Maybelle Major
Wai Lana is just amazing
Wai Lana is just amazing and different from the other yoga instructors I have seen. She is very soft spoken, she is really down to earth and I love how she explains the benefits of each pose. I’m so impressed with her and love her to pieces. I tell everyone about her!
— Brenda
Wai Lana is a great brand
Wai Lana is a great brand with a health conscious awareness. They produce these amazingly delicious cassava chips, that are healthy and great in taste. They understand that healthy products can be both great for your body an delicious on the go.
— Giselle Trujillo
Wai Lana is a gift. She helped me on levels you don’t even realize.
I used to do Wai Lana Yoga every day until my mom passed away last year. At that time I went through a really difficult time and did not do yoga for 3 weeks. My friends were advising me on different things to do to feel better like drinking wine and eating chocolate but I’m not a fan of either. I then thought I should start doing yoga again with Wai Lana. Wai Lana saved me through this very dark time in my life and I’m now practicing every day.
Wai Lana is a gift. She helped me on levels you don’t even realize. She does not only help me physically, she helps me emotionally, spiritually and takes me to a calm state of mind. Wai Lana gives me hope in an insane world. Her voice is so calming and she makes everything better. I’m a very hyper person and my mom used to calm me down. Now that my mom is not here, Wai Lana does that for me and lets me know everything will be ok. She touches my soul and makes things better in this world.
I never felt like I discovered yoga until Wai Lana. She has such depth, serenity and has a profound effect in the world with her peace and kindness. She helps you understand and encourages you at your own level. She talks you through what is possible, as she is explaining you don’t get scared and she does not make you feel bad. If I can help one person that is grieving by inspiring them to get into Wai Lana Yoga I would be thrilled.
I always learn something different every time I listen to her. She may teach a similar pose in her episodes however she will put a different spin on it so you learn something new every time.
As working in the corporate world can be difficult, I do Wai Lana Yoga before going to work to help me through the day. I then do it when I come home so I don’t bring work back home with me.
Thank you Wai Lana!
— Marilyn
Wai Lana has a sense of serenity and clarity
Wai Lana has a sense of serenity and clarity so that you can run through the exercises knowing what is expected of you. She doesn’t push to the point where you are afraid of injuries and she leaves you with both a physical and an emotional serenity.
— George Gundlach
Wai Lana explains how to use the breath
Wai Lana explains how to use the breath to get into each pose, and then she explains how to control your breath to maintain the pose. So you’re really working on your breath, and by the end of each session, you’re breathing as deep and as slow as possible, and that helps with singing, and it helps with centering yourself in general.
— Janet
Very grateful to Wai Lana
I am very grateful to Wai Lana for putting out all her yoga and meditation products. A number of years ago I was in a coma for 3 weeks, when I woke up I was not longer able to walk on my own. I then started watching Wai Lana every day on PBS and she motivated and inspired me to start walking again. Although I could not do the exercises I would stand with my walker and try to raise my legs as much as I could, eventually I was able to stand and balance on my own. I can now walk and even ride my bike. Thank you Wai Lana for inspiring me to keep moving and keep going.
I also do Wai Lana’s Meditation cd’s and people say they notice a difference in me. I have her Easy Meditation for Everyone, Yoga Nidra and her music cds. I feel calmer and happier. Life just gets better and better with Wai Lana.
— A fan from Indiana
Vegetarian Recipes
Thank you so much for the vegetarian receipes from your web-site. I started yoga 3 yrs. ago and have followed a low fat vegetarian diet from the Dr. Dean Ornish Program. I was so happy to see your videos on public broadcasting that I have purchased some of them. You are very inspiring and I’m happy to say I start my day with you every morning.
— Judie
Using the Wai Lana videos has helped me
I used to go to a lot of different classes. Dance classes, different yoga classes, but I don’t really like going to a class anymore because when I’m in a class I have to follow along and do what the class is doing. When I’m doing yoga on my own I can listen to my body and do what my body needs at that time. So using the Wai Lana videos has helped me because I can just stick it in and do it on my own.
— Linda Jefferson
Wai Lana,
I am sure you know of a tradition when a young woman who gets just married and starting a new life, as a wife and soon as a new mother get all the goodies from her mother such as a beautiful table set, bed linens etc etc for her new life. Well, I feel like you equipped me with all that I need – wonderful cookbooks, relaxation, body workout, mind and heart food. Also healthy activities for kids as well as the body care and ayurvedic formulas.
Thank you!
— Sylwia D J.
They’re so beautiful
Sometimes if I’m feeling a little blue, I put in a Wai Lana Yoga video just to watch because they’re so beautiful that they’re very uplifting for me.
— Mary Frost
The way Wai Lana teaches relaxation is, in a way, the dessert on the yoga meal
The way Wai Lana teaches relaxation is, in a way, the dessert on the yoga meal. It really helps to seal in the benefits of the poses, and we’ve found that it’s actually kind of a new approach. I’ve done relaxation stuff. But to take each body part, going say from the toes to the feet to the ankles, is really very helpful.
— Dennis Green
The thing I like about Wai Lana Yoga is she’s very soothing
The thing I like about Wai Lana Yoga is she’s very soothing and has a very relaxing presence. She’s not competitive at all. You don’t feel like you’re letting her down if you don’t do it the “right” way.
— Brenda Donald
The tension of the day really had been dissipated.
Like many artists I have a day job. It’s a great place. But there’s tension. Going to work, there’s the tension on the ferry and on the subway. I came home recently with a normal amount of New York aggravation and I did a couple of Salute to the Sun poses and, after I was finished, my mind tried to go back to the aggravation, but I couldn’t. I realized if I was going to be aggravated, I was going to have to work to get back to that place which of course I didn’t do. It was just amazing that something could have that much impact on my emotional state and detach me from the day-to-day stresses. As an artist, I found that extremely useful. I went down to the studio and had a decent session that day… it was hassle-free. The tension of the day really had been dissipated. I was impressed with the power of something like Salute to the Sun actually creating a sustainable mind state that was able to completely disengage me from the difficulties and hassles of the day.
— Dennis