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Inspirational Stories

“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy

for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”


Inspirational Stories

“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”


Inspirational Stories

“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”

Over the years, many people who have been introduced to yoga by Wai Lana, or who have been inspired by her in their yoga practice, have written with questions or gracious expressions of gratitude.

PMS used to make my life a nightmare

PMS used to make my life a nightmare. For half of the month I could function like a regular person, but the second half of the month I was a physical, mental, and emotional mess. But yoga has changed this. Since practicing yoga asanas daily, my physical and mental tension has lessened and I am a lot calmer. I also have more energy. Practicing yoga asanas also helps me stick to a healthy diet—I used to eat junk at this time of month but I no longer feel inclined to do that. I am still a little more easily stressed the week before my period but thankfully I am appreciating this as an opportunity to really rest my heart fully in Yoga Sound Meditation. When I am feeling down I go and practice Yoga Sound Meditation with breathing for ten minutes or so and feel ready to face the world again.

Janet K.

Outstanding work!

I have a daughter who just turned three years old. She has been doing yoga her whole life. She knew you from the television and loved your flowers. I bought her your Little Yogis and Daydream DVDs for her second birthday. She LOVES them. Her father has been kiteboarding for many years and when she saw you kiteboarding, well … all I can say is that she is a great fan of yours, as am I. The graphics are amazing, the content solid and captivating, and the stickers (you know children) were very well received. All in all an outstanding work!



Dear Wai Lana!!!

Thank you for your love and caring for us, just ordinary women! Since I have begun to make hatha yoga on your CDs, my life cmpletely changed!

I took your foto and it is on the wall near my bed. Every morning I see your smiling face and it makes me happy! I want to make smth really useful for the world also!

I feel there is something inside me that pushes me to live, not ordinary life, some different life! I am sure now that there is another life here, that is full of happiness, real one!!!

Thank you!!!


My Health & YOGA

Wai Lana,

I want to tell you personally how much you have changed my life. I have been doing exercise for over 20 years, treadmills, weights, aerobics, I have tried it all.

Recently I went thru a difficult divorce and have been stressed to the limit…..The tension I have felt has been unbelievable. I was taking valium prescribed by my physcian and he retired and told me to go see another Doctor to get my prescription.

I am glad to say that I have chose another route. YOGA. It has been unbelievable for me. It has de-stressed me, make me so strong in my mind, body and in my heart, It has made me KNOW that I must take care of myself, nurture and LOVE my BODY …

I tell everyone who has stress and is weak about YOU. and the benefits that YOGA can provide.

Thank you with all my heart, body and soul. My daughter has ordered the Hello Fitness DVD for me for Christmas, and I am so looking forward to YOGA for the rest of my LIFE.

Thank you so much, and keep up the fantastic work. By the way, I love your clothing too, its so bright and colorful….LIKE YOU…



My back pain went away and I felt lighter on my feet

I’m a registered nurse and I had injured my back. The neurologist suggested that I start doing yoga, so I did the Wai Lana Yoga, and I was just amazed at all the changes that I noticed in myself. My back pain went away and I felt lighter on my feet. I felt more alert, more relaxed.



I just heard some of your music on my cable television music channel. It was really excellent. I listen to a lot of new age and eastern music,usually with the TV off, so when I heard your music I thought it was Kitaro, good Kitaro. What a surprise. Please continue writing your songs.



Miss the daily show on NY TV

I was doing yoga every morning at 7 am for about two years while you were on NY TV every morn at 7.

You helped relieve my torn rotater shoulder problem and the regular yoga made my tight shoulders and back pain go away. The moves, wonderful music and your voice was soothing and it made my day start peacefully and in shape. Now they took you off that station and I miss it very much.

Carol C.

May we all blossom

May we all blossom with our chosen leaders such as yourself. Thanks for bringing into our lives good cheer, good health, good rhythm and good exercise. Merry Christmas to you all,

Karen L.

love your yoga work

I love your yoga work nice show and god bless you Wai Lana hive a nice day and night i see your show come on KET yeah thanks keep the good work.

Evan miller

Love the way you do yoga

Hi Wai Lana, i bought ur tapes and i love the way u do yoga. i am 74 yrs but i love try to do my best seing ur tape. u r the best. thanks again,


Love Love Love Wai Lana!

I Love Love Love Wai Lana! I love her PBS show and her DVD’s. When Wai Lana used to air on my local station, although my friend and I lived in different cities, we would do Wai Lana Yoga at the same time together.

Evelyn Cardenas

Love doing yoga with Wai Lana

I love doing yoga with Wai Lana. What sets Wai Lana apart from any other yoga program I have seen are the beautiful outfits she wears and the scenery is just so beautiful.  I also love Wai Lana’s music. It really gives me a boost!

K Welch

Less anxious about the world

After doing Wai Lana Yoga, I carry it with me.  I am able to be present with my breath in that same calm manner that I achieved while doing Wai Lana Yoga.  Carrying it with me as I go about my everyday business in the world keeps me grounded, keeps me centered, keeps me focused and less anxious about the world and my place in it.

Janet Seaforth

Keep up the good work!

Wow, what can I say? I’ve been watching Wai Lana’s show for months (or is that years?). Anyways, I want to say to keep up the good work. I enjoy the program very much. 😀


Just relax

With Wai Lana’s tone and the mood she sets, you’re able to calm down.  When I come home from my job on the floor of the stock exchange, my energy is a 10. I’m bouncing off the walls. My wife is like, “Just relax.” And with Wai Lana, I’m able to come back and find myself and slow down and just remember who I am and what I’m about.  Yoga and Wai Lana has done that.  


I would like to thank you so much for what you do

Hello Wai Lana!

I would just like to share my story with you and extend my deepest gratitude for what you do.

Fifteen years ago I had lost my way. I was struggling with depression and anxiety from past occurrences. I found solace in alcohol and made the bitter and self destructive journey into the darkness that is addiction.

My story isn’t unusual unfortunately. I had just given up.

I was working in Yellowstone National Park and dear friend sent me a care package that included a VHS tape of Wai Lana Yoga. I remembered seeing you on PBS. Well, years went by and I slipped further from reality. I had tried using the tape from time to time. And although I wasn’t really in the mind set, it always made me smile.

Flash forward to not that long ago. For reasons that are not relevant I had come to a crossing. Either stop drinking or evaporate into nothing. So I started the long journey into sobriety. And I popped that tape in every morning.

What struck me was the warmth and genuineness that exuded from your practice. I really felt a calm and balance. My body slowly got stronger and with it, my mind did as well. I started ordering DVD sets from Amazon and eagerly awaited their delivery. I even ordered your mediation DVD and that has become part of my daily practice. (My favorite is the Kirtan meditation.)

So I would like to thank you so much for what you do. It has been such an important part of my recovery. It’s very apparent the whole goal of what you do is to improve quality of life and with it the world around you, if even just microcosmically.

I am happy to say I am 7 months sober as of writing this.

Yours truly

A life you have helped change

Travis Fox

I watch you every day

Hola wai lana ..I watch you every day at 5:00-6:00 am Oklahoma time ……I love yoga!! Just wanted to say hola from Rose Moreno!

Rico C.

I watch Wai Lana on PBS every day

I watch Wai Lana on PBS every day. Today I saw Yoga for Office Work where everything was done in a chair. It was fabulous, I just loved it! It is something I could do at work.

Mary S

I used to worry about my weight

I used to worry about my weight but after doing yoga with Wai Lana’s videos, I don’t have to worry about it anymore. I stay the same weight, no matter what I eat. I’ve found that my food choices have changed over the years and I choose food that is good for my body now.

I don’t want fatty foods, I don’t want sugar. I always choose vegetables, fruits, even soymilk. Another exciting thing is that I’m no longer a coffee-holic. One day I woke up and realized that I just didn’t need it and said to myself, ‘I’ll have a cup of herbal tea instead!’


I used to have a lot of pain and it’s gone now

I used to have a problem with digestion. And I’ve noticed that since I started doing the Wai Lana Yoga DVDs about a year ago, I haven’t had those problems anymore. I used to have a lot of pain and it’s gone now. I do believe that practicing with the DVDs has helped with that a lot. It’s very exciting.

Sharon Jackson

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