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Inspirational Stories

“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy

for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”


Inspirational Stories

“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”


Inspirational Stories

“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”

Over the years, many people who have been introduced to yoga by Wai Lana, or who have been inspired by her in their yoga practice, have written with questions or gracious expressions of gratitude.

it was really nice to find Wai Lana’s videos

I started with the power yoga, which I have to say was very lovely for a long period of time, however I injured myself. And after that injury, I was not able to recover and continue doing power yoga. So I started switching around looking for something that would be gentler on my body. And it was really nice to find Wai Lana’s videos. It was nice to see the progression, with no injury.  

Skye Winter

It’s wonderful, it really, really is

Wai Lana Yoga is something that I always look forward to. It starts my day off just right. It could be raining outside, but when I’m in front of the programming, I see beautiful scenery, I see a relaxed, kind, gentle person, who truly cares about what I’m about, who helps me through the day, and it’s such a big part of my life now. It’s wonderful, it really, really is.


It’s wonderful

I’ve been in several auto accidents in my lifetime, and I’ve had a lot of whiplash and lower back problems from that. I’ve also had a lot of stress lately, and my neck is my weak point. So I knew I needed to do something. When I was flipping through the channels and found Wai Lana Yoga, I was thinking I could try this yoga, maybe just three times a week or so. And within two weeks, my neck isn’t hurting me anymore. It’s wonderful. 

Mary Frost

It’s a miracle how much practicing Wai Lana Yoga has helped me

I had a stroke in June. At first I started doing some easier yoga, then I started practicing the Hello Fitness Series which really helped me a lot. I also have vertigo and get panic attacks, I  was very scared I was going to get another stroke. It’s a miracle how much practicing Wai Lana Yoga has helped me. If it were not for Wai Lana’s tapes I would not be feeling as good as I do now. My body is also getting firm which is great. Thank you very much.

Andrea T.

I try to practice Wai Lana Yoga everyday on PBS

I try to practice Wai Lana Yoga everyday on PBS day before I go to work. It is so relaxing. I really like the scenery in the background, I love the music, I love her voice and I love how she dances at the end of the show. I love dancing along with her!

I own a fitness club and I’m also a fitness trainer. I’m going to let my clients know about her and bring my Wai Lana dvds into the club!

Sheila Marie

It feels great, because I like to be healthy, I like to be active.

My doctor had me on medication for high blood pressure and I went on exercising as I had before. I would ride my bike 15 miles a day, I would work out with weights, and with my heart condition, I developed chest pains. They were very painful, very frightening. So I had to find a new way to exercise that was effective and yet gentle enough not to strain my heart. I remembered Wai Lana Yoga and it has become a part of my life. I know I can do this for the rest of my life, no matter how in shape or out of shape I am, and it feels great, because I like to be healthy, I like to be active.


It’s easier to handle things that come my way during the day

It’s easier to handle things that come my way during the day because I’m doing Wai Lana Yoga and I’m calmer. When things happen, no matter what it is—you get cut off on the freeway, or you can’t find your keys—I just take a deep breath, and I’m learning to observe things rather than take part in all the drama that the day can bring. It’s helpful. It’s peaceful.

Desiree Kienzle

I start my day out with Wai Lana

I have been practicing Wai Lana Yoga every single day since February 13, 2014. I practice at least an hour, oftentimes more just because it feels so good. I start my day out with Wai Lana, and go to work feeling really good. Depending on my day, I very well may come home and do some more Wai Lana, and then I’ll feel wonderful again. So it’s every single solitary day, unless there’s extenuating circumstances. That’s how I begin my day.


I really benefited from Wai Lana’s instruction on breathing

I really benefited from Wai Lana’s instruction on breathing—how to use the diaphragm and breathe fully. Part of my condition was that I wasn’t using the lower part of my lungs. I was breathing shallowly through the upper part of my lungs, and I had to practice learning how to breathe correctly.

Linda Lucey

I particularly like the meditation part of Wai Lana

I particularly like the meditation part of Wai Lana because I am a type A personality. As a type A personality, the more I can do to relax and kick back and meditate, the better off I am from a physiological standpoint and a psychological standpoint.

Waite Smith

I’m doing Wai Lana Yoga and I’m calmer

I’m doing Wai Lana Yoga and I’m calmer, and when things happen, no matter what it is—you get cut off on the freeway, or you can’t find your keys—I just take a deep breath, and I’m learning to observe things rather than take part in all the drama that the day can bring. It’s helpful. It’s peaceful.

Desiree Kienzle

I’m 92 years old and I watch Wai Lana Yoga every day

I’m 92 years old and I watch Wai Lana Yoga every day. I do all the poses that I am able to do at my age. I appreciate Wai Lana so much, I just love her. I think everyone should do yoga to stay healthy mentally and physically.

Jo from Orlando

I love your tapes

Dear Wai Lana:  I wish you a happy, healthy fulfilling 2011 with joy and fun

I love your tapes and they make a big difference in my life.



I love you

Every morning I say to Wai Lana after her workout, “I love you, Wai Lana”. She has been a mainstay in my life for decades. I have been meaning to write this email for years, and, today I am finally doing i

A Fan

I love watching Wai Lana on PBS every day

I love watching Wai Lana on PBS every day. The entire program is just perfect with the ocean, the clothes and the singing. Wai Lana is just so magical and totally cool.

Donna B – Santa Fe, NM

I love Wai Lana

I love Wai Lana. I’ve been practicing with Wai Lana for many years, she is really good and I really like her yoga sessions. My husband and I are great admirers. I really like the fact that during her yoga sessions she only says what needs to be said.  She is classy, beautiful and I love her clothes.

Teresa J.

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