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Inspirational Stories

“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy

for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”


Inspirational Stories

“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”


Inspirational Stories

“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”

Over the years, many people who have been introduced to yoga by Wai Lana, or who have been inspired by her in their yoga practice, have written with questions or gracious expressions of gratitude.

There is something special about it

I absolutely love the Yoga Music of the Heart CD. I never get tired of hearing it. I’m usually stressed out at night, but I put the CD on to help me unwind and fall asleep by the third track. There are other relaxing CDs on the market, but not like this. There is something special about it.

Anna Marie

There is nothing better than giving yourself that half hour to do a Wai Lana DVD

When it comes to stress; there are two times of the day when people often feel stressed: when you wake up in the morning and you know you have a really busy day ahead of you and you’re stressed almost before your feet touch the floor. If you can take the time to do a Wai Lana DVD, this can put you into an entirely different frame of mind that stays with you throughout the day, particularly the meditation at the end. That is a wonderful start to your day. And another time of potential stress is in the evening. You come home after work after a busy day, and you are stressed. There is nothing better than giving yourself that half hour to do a Wai Lana DVD. It reduces all the stress of the day and you become calm and peaceful. It totally improves the quality of life, there is no doubt about it. If you use these DVDs in that way, not just for the body but also for the mind, then this improves your quality of life, definitely.

Hazel Newson

The pain is gone

I used to have a problem with digestion, but since I started doing Wai Lana Yoga about a year ago, I’ve noticed that I don’t have those problems anymore. I used to have a lot of pain and that’s gone now. I do believe that doing yoga with Wai Lana has helped a lot with that. It’s very exciting.

Sharon Jackson

The meditation also helps me a lot

When I would practice Wai Lana Yoga in the morning I would feel better all day. I was so upset when NYC Life took Wai Lana Yoga off the air. The meditation also helps me a lot, it is very important to do to help you feel less stressed.


The first time I played it and it went into the mantra I cried

The first time I played it and it went into the mantra I cried. I didn’t know what I was connecting to but I knew that I was connecting to her. And the music was really strong for me. Whenever I feel weak or unable to do what I need to do I put it on. And I just flow with it. And I’ve used it as a medium for my wellness since the first time I saw her on television. And I wish there was more, I wish there was more.

Donna Lancaster

Thank you so much

Thank you so much for your yoga CD. It helps me every day. I had a stem cell transplant and use yoga as my therapy! Your voice and energy is cosmic.


Thank you for your great programs

Merry Christmas.

Thank you for your great programs.  Yoga has become an important part of my life.  I am continuously learning more all the time.  I share with my Yoga students.

May joy and peace follow you and your family always.

Diane G.

Thank you for sharing with us the gift of yoga

Thank you Wai Lana, for making the gift of yoga so readily available to all of us!

I am so happy to discover the website, after finding your program that airs on PBS, here, locally. Not only do you offer us a broad education in the Yoga lifestyle, but do it with such beauty and elegance. I have two little ones that enjoy your program right along with me and we look forward to the time together practicing yoga with you. Again, thank you for your outstanding work and effort. We are most grateful.



Thank you

Dear Wai Lana:  I found you on PBS here in Las Vegas, about September, 2010.    LOVE your program, and here is why:  I took vinyasa yoga a few years back, then got lazy, big mistake.  Then when I found you and started getting back into Yoga, I was very happy with how you conduct your session.  And by that I mean, your every move is accompanied with exact and detailed audio instruction to match the video and your movement through the poses.  Soooo important to someone re-connecting, AND for the beginner. I am 56 years young, still fairly flexible, and certainly aspire to become half as flexible as you are.  You are truly an inspiration, and a beautiful soul that the planet is so very fortunate to have.  Thank you for sharing your knowledge.  And I am happy to be your student.!

Gratitude, blessings, and love!


Dianna K.

Stronger and healthier

After menopause, I noticed that I was steadily gaining weight even though I wasn’t eating more than usual. I’d always been able to lose a few pounds pretty easily, but not anymore. Watching my weight increase from 124 to 132 pounds, with no sign of stopping, made me determined to change something. About 2 months ago I started doing yoga poses at least three times a week and cut junk food out of my diet almost completely. I’m now trying to eat fewer processed foods and have already lost 4 pounds without starving myself in the least. Plus I feel stronger and healthier.


Strength Building

Wai Lana Yoga in particular is really strength building. She does very well thought-out, consecutive poses that help build your strength yet you feel very relaxed by the end of the session.

Liza Kingsley

Since I’ve been doing Wai Lana Yoga, my diet has changed

Since I’ve been doing Wai Lana Yoga, my diet has changed. I’m more conscious of what I put into my body, I’m making green smoothies on a regular basis… I can’t eat the things I used to eat now that I am more conscious of my body and how I’m feeling, and it’s a wonderful change. It’s a nice transition. I welcome it.


Since doing Wai Lana’s DVDs I have reduced my weight

I’ve discovered that since doing Wai Lana’s DVDs I have reduced my weight a little, to where I want to be and I believe it helps me maintain my weight level.  I think being toned is a very important part of weight in terms of feeling good, fitting into my clothes.

Sharon Jackson

She explains everything so clearly

I’m 74 years old and recently discovered Wai Lana on my local PBS station. I really like her instruction, she explains everything so clearly so you can follow carefully without getting hurt. I think yoga is such a wonderful form of exercise, I wish I discovered it earlier in my life. I can’t do all the exercises but I do what I can. If I can’t do them then I just close my eyes and listen to what Wai Lana says.


Relieves a lot of stress in my body

As a massage therapist and a full-body reflexologist, I’ve used a lot of Wai Lana’s music in my therapy with my clients, and I find it really relaxing. It relieves a lot of stress in my body, and the relaxation that it promotes within myself gets transferred to my clients and makes my treatment more satisfying and more successful for them.

Donna Lancaster

Regular Yoga

I started seeing improvement in my lower back pain and my varicose veins right away. Over time, I have also seen a reduction in the oiliness of my skin, which was also a byproduct of the hormonal imbalance, as well as the acne clearing up. And I do attribute that to the regular use of Wai Lana’s DVDs.

Jennifer Mabry

Pretty much all of my symptoms have disappeared

For about the past two and a half years, I’ve had monthly lower back pain, fatigue, bloating, headaches, and pains in my legs from varicose veins. Based on my reading, I have discovered that hormonal imbalance will cause these. Instead of taking hormone-balancing pills that the doctor prescribed because he couldn’t find an answer for these symptoms, I decided to go the natural route.  I’ve been doing Wai Lana Yoga about 3 times a week and pretty much all of my symptoms have disappeared.


Practicing breathing correctly

I really benefited from her instruction in the breathing and how to use the breath and how to use the diaphragm and breathe fully. Part of my condition was that I wasn’t using the lower part of my lungs. I was breathing shallowly through the upper part of my lungs, and I had to practice learning how to breathe correctly, and the videos really helped me do that. I can do that while I’m doing the stretches—practice breathing correctly.

Linda Lucey

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