Yoga Life
“Young or old, man or woman, virtually anyone
can enjoy the wonderful benefits of yoga.”

Yoga Life
“Young or old, man or woman, virtually anyone can enjoy the wonderful benefits of yoga.”

Yoga Life
“Young or old, man or woman, virtually anyone can enjoy the wonderful benefits of yoga.”

Doing Asanas with an Injury
An injury can put a damper on your asana practice, but don’t let it keep you from practicing altogether. Yoga has so many poses that

De-Stress Your Asana Practice
Why do we practice yoga asanas? I would guess that most of us do it for our health and well-being, to reduce stress, or to

Creating Your Yoga Sanctuary
I’ve always tried to create a serene and peaceful mood with my yoga DVDs and music videos. My goal is to help people step away

Yoga & Sports—the Perfect Match
No matter which sport you practice, yoga can improve your performance. As we all know, excelling at a particular sport involves not only physical ability,

Busy, Busy Yogi Bees
The less time you have, the more you need to do yoga. “But how?” you may ask. “I’m already doing way too much.” Well, with

Building Strength in Asanas
One thing I love about yoga asanas is that I can build strength simply by using my own body—I don’t need any weights or expensive

Banish Fatigue with Yoga Asanas and Breathing
If you find yourself getting tired during the middle of the day, it could be because of dehydration or low blood sugar. Try to be

Asana Practice After Injury
No one likes to get injured. Injuries not only hurt, but they can also prevent you from doing what you love to do for days,

Achieving Harmony Through Sense Control
Yogis compare the physical body to a home that we are living in. Just as the parents must be the masters of the house for

Asana Practice on Cold Days
I know what it’s like to get out of a warm bed into a cold room on a winter’s day before you’ve had a chance

Yoga Poses and Weight Loss
The best and healthiest way to lose weight is to watch what we eat and exercise regularly. Yoga asanas are a great form of exercise

Calming the Mind in Asana Practice
At the beginning of an asana practice, it’s nice to draw your awareness inward, focusing on the body and the breath for a few moments.

Take Your Practice Outdoors
I love waking up early on a summer morning and stepping outside into the freshness of a new day. The birds are singing as they

Yoga Exercise on Cold Winter Days
If your muscles need defrosting in the cold winter weather and your hamstrings feel like steel when you do a forward bend, here are a

Yoga Poses For Good Digestion
When we’re young, we rarely think about our digestion. But often, after years of living with stress, eating on the run, overeating, eating the wrong

Yoga for Vitality
According to yoga scriptures, we are all eternally youthful: “For the soul there is neither birth nor death, nor having once been, does he ever

Heal and Dissolve Stress with Yoga Nidra
Do you ever dream of just lying down and doing nothing for a while? Wouldn’t that be nice—to just stop and rest? Maybe you should—it

Meditation/Relaxation for Weight Loss
You may be surprised to hear that in addition to practicing yoga asanas, yoga relaxation and Yoga Sound Meditation can also help you lose weight.

Committing to a Home Yoga Practice
One of the most rewarding things about yoga is the way it makes you feel. Whether you’re practicing asanas, meditation, or yoga breathing, you inevitably

The Pitfalls of Anger
Anger is not a pleasant emotion—in fact, it can destroy one’s body and mind. Anger creates chemical changes in the body that can result in

A Yoga Lifestyle Eases PMS
While some women are not particularly bothered by the onset of their monthly period, for many others premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be debilitating. One woman