Yoga Life
“Young or old, man or woman, virtually anyone
can enjoy the wonderful benefits of yoga.”

Yoga Life
“Young or old, man or woman, virtually anyone can enjoy the wonderful benefits of yoga.”

Yoga Life
“Young or old, man or woman, virtually anyone can enjoy the wonderful benefits of yoga.”

Restorative Poses And Meditation
Our asana practice doesn’t always have to be a strength-building workout or a reach for greater flexibility. Sometimes what’s needed is just slowing down and

The Chariot and the Driver
Imagine that you are the driver of a chariot harnessed to five strong horses. What do you need to drive that chariot to your chosen

Introducing Kids to Yoga
If you practice yoga asanas and you have small children, the chances are they are “playing yoga” with you. If you’re wondering how to keep

Yoga Poses to Head off PMS
As featured on yogadigest.com Some women aren’t particularly bothered by the onset of their monthly period but, for many others, Premenstrual Syndrome can be debilitating.

Yoga Exercises for Joint Health
We don’t often think a lot about our joints—that is, until they start aching or hurting. If you want to delay or prevent such pain,

Yoga Diet
According to the science of yoga, we can compare our bodies to vehicles that we use to travel the path of life. The food we

3 Steps Towards Developing a Higher Consciousness
As yoga becomes an integral part of our society, people are looking to this ancient science and wondering whether it can offer them something deeper

Yoga for the Immune System
Practicing yoga asanas, even doing gentle poses for just 15 minutes a day, releases tension from our bodies, reduces our stress, and strengthens our immune

Yoga Is Fun and Great for Kids
Kids have great imaginations and lots of energy and they love to play, so it’s not surprising that they enjoy doing yoga. Pretending to be

Yoga Breathing: Five Essential Tips
I’m sure you’ve noticed that your physical and mental condition can influence your breath and vice versa. For example, when we are angry and stressed,

Yoga Asanas for Your Skin
We all know that practicing yoga asanas is good for us—it improves our strength and flexibility, increases circulation, and helps us to breathe better. But

Fun Asana Challenges
Sometimes it’s fun to challenge ourselves with poses that we rarely do. It’s good to try some different poses every now and then, as long

5 Yoga Tips for Over-Achievers
Do you have a Type A personality—always busy, a real go-getter, pushing yourself to achieve goals at home, at work, and even at play? If

Tips for Sitting in Meditation
While Yoga Sound Meditation is often practiced while walking, lying down, or sitting comfortably in a favorite chair, it’s also nice to practice it in

Balancing Poses
I find balancing poses fun. It’s always a challenge to see how well I can balance on a particular day because not all days are

Creating a Soothing Office Environment
The practice of yoga asanas is truly a boon for the deskbound, both for one’s physical and mental health. Even just a few exercises done

Yoga Poses For Constipation
While it can be uncomfortable for some people to talk about constipation, it’s even more uncomfortable to experience the bloating, heaviness in the abdomen, the

Extra Care for Yoga Flow
A lot of times I like to practice asanas one at a time, holding the poses for a while and taking short rests in between,

Asana Practice for a Healthy Back
Since ancient times, yogis teaching and practicing asanas have placed a great deal of emphasis on the back, especially the spine. They appreciated the value

Stretch Your Hamstrings the Easy Way
If the backs of your legs scream at you whenever you do straight-leg forward bends, it may well be that your hamstrings are tight. If

Heating Poses for Winter Warmth
On cold winter mornings, you may need a little extra motivation to practice your asanas. So think of it as a great opportunity to tackle