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Inspirational Stories

“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy

for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”


Inspirational Stories

“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”


Inspirational Stories

“It is my goal to share the gift of yoga by making it easy for everyone to experience its life giving benefits.”

Over the years, many people who have been introduced to yoga by Wai Lana, or who have been inspired by her in their yoga practice, have written with questions or gracious expressions of gratitude.

Doing the Wai Lana DVDs has helped me with my diet

Doing the Wai Lana DVDs has helped me with my diet. It makes you feel really healthy – and that makes you improve your diet just naturally. If you do the DVDs on a regular basis you naturally get more in shape and that encourages you to eat better, and you feel more balanced throughout the day. And you’re motivated to keep that balance.

Liza Kingsley


Gracias por enviarme tu material, se que al estar en “contacto con la meditacion se encuentra la paz interior”. hay aveces que escucho tus melodias por el internet; y sigue asi un amigo que te sigue cerca con lo que muestras a la demas personas.


Thank you for sending me your material, I know that by being in “contact with meditation one finds inner peace.” Sometimes I listen to your melodies on the internet. Keep it up.

A friend who follows closely what you teach others,

Henrry B.

Gentle yoga while pregnant

Hi Wai Lana,

I am happily pregnant.

I luv your yoga so gentle helps me and my spirit soar!

Thanks! Love,


Gentle and beautiful

The best thing is that she’s very gentle and beautiful. I love to watch the background and what she’s wearing. But her gentleness really comes through in that I don’t feel pressured to do the moves farther than I should. I don’t feel like I have to look exactly like Wai Lana when I’m doing them. I like that. 

Mary Frost

From doing Wai Lana Yoga, I’m much calmer

From doing Wai Lana Yoga, I’m much calmer, I’m much stronger. It’s helped me train for Rugged Maniac, an event that I do here in New York. It’s a three mile race with 25 obstacles, and I was able to complete it for the first time last year. This year I’m doing it for the second time, and I already know that I have the strength that I need to have for it, thanks to Wai Lana.

Desiree Calderon

Enjoying your show

Hi Wai Lana,

I just want to say how much I’m enjoying your show, which is broadcast on our public television station in Spokane, Washington. The instructions are very clear and thorough, both spoken instructions and the camera angles that show just how to put the hands or hold the head and so on. The music and imagery are so inviting that altogether your lessons are thoroughly enjoyable and encouraging. I get up each morning looking forward to yoga practice. Many of the asanas are challenging for me — as a beginner I find it helps to have a little sense of humor — but already after 3 weeks of daily practice I’m stretching more easily and becoming more graceful in the poses. I aspire to do them all as gracefully as you some day! I find your program is a wonderful way to start the day. Thank you so much for sharing your skill at yoga, at teaching and at producing such a wonderful program.


Karen D.

Easing my arthritis

I have been using your beginner and intermediate yoga series for the last couple of years and have found them very helpful in maintaining my health and easing my arthritis. Thank you so much for that!

Gail A.

Doing yoga with Wai Lana helps me feel better in many ways

Doing yoga with Wai Lana helps me feel better in many ways. Certainly you feel it physically but the physical well-being also transmits into your emotions. I can keep myself focused. It also helps me just feel good. I feel like I have a great outlook and attitude.


Doing Wai Lana Yoga helps me sleep better

Doing Wai Lana Yoga helps me sleep better.

I used to be kind of—I don’t know—kinked up in bed and such. Now I just rest peacefully. 

Wai Lana talks about a certain way to lie in between poses, and I’ll do that in bed and it’s very relaxing.

Skye Winter

Yoga Sound made me feel so good

Dear Wai Lana,

I was recently recuperating from elective surgery in the hospital, no biggie. But healing is a big deal. While I was walking the halls, I would wear my portable CD player headphones and listen to yoga sound. It made me feel so good! I would sing out loud—quietly. I held onto the bars on the wall, closed my eyes and simply enjoyed the wonderful soothing music. My favorites are Lionheart and Mirror of the Mind.

I had other music with me, Mozart, Beethoven. Yoga Sound was by far more effectual for me.

Continuing my healing journey
 ​-Lisa Bae Nicols

Discovered your Yoga Show

Hello Wailana,

My name is Mark and I just recently discovered your show on PBS (WHUT). I was very excited to stumble upon it. I have long been a big fan of Yoga and the eastern arts. Now actually a global art. I have however been struggling to find good guidance about it. I have read many different books and magazines, and spoken with many different teachers, but every where I turned there seemed to be a huge price attached to the advice. Needless to say I was very excited to find your show and have you walk me through the steps. I imediately started doing them in front of the T.V. I have to admit I felt better instantly. I love Yoga. I am looking forward to doing more with your videos as soon as I receive them.

Lucky for me I happen to have a day off today. It happens to be veterans day. Surfing through the many channels on T.V. looking for the latest bits of news (uggghhh), I am very glad to find a bit of heaven in your show. I am 34 years of age and I live in D.C. , I am finishing my Bachelor’s Degree in Communications (Media Production & Film). After living here for 20 years I hope to leave to a more beautiful place. Maybe Hawaii!?? I’ve always dreamed of going there, ever since I was a child growing up in the Middle East, it just always seemed like heaven, and maybe it is. I hope to someday in the future be able to dedicate more of my life to the kind of lifestyle to you promote, hopefully with your help. So, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.



Controlling Stress

I believe that controlling stress is something I’ve needed since I was a child, and yoga just brings you into balance. I started eating differently, I started thinking differently. I put myself in a position where I was around more positive people and circumstances. It’s not just the physical practice of yoga that helps your body—it’s the mental practice and the spiritual practice as well.


Brings me that inner peace

Wai Lana Yoga has been so complete for me. It’s working on your skeletal structure, it’s working on your organs, and it’s working on the neurological part of your body. It works on every part of your body. And every day that I do the yoga, and I get quieter and more peaceful, I find that I become more spiritually awakened. And I can bring that into my work. As a massage therapist, it’s really important for me to be grounded and for me to feel good because I need to transfer that to my clients. Wai Lana Yoga brings me that inner peace.

-Donna Lancaster

Best yoga teacher

I am a yoga teacher and have been doing Wai Lana Yoga on PBS for many years. Wai Lana is so wonderful and I appreciate what she does. All I can say is that to me, she is one of the best yoga teachers. It is not just the yoga but the spirituality of her teaching. She is excellent in her techniques and she also teaches people to relax and breath. She is the best in my opinion.

-N. Wolf Yoga Teacher Flushing/Queens New York

A thousand thank-you’s

Hi Wai Lana a thousand thankyous!

My daughter has fallen asleep to your sweet, calm voice for 5 years now. Your cds have helped her with her sleep problems, nightmares, night terrors, anxiety and bullying etc.

I bought her many different visualisations over time but she has not wanted to listen to any others but yours.

We’ve had fun with your cards, books and yoga video too. You’ve been a big and healing part of our lives.

Love and gratitude to you all-ways Rosemary(mum) and Layla (9yrs) from Sydney Australia.

-Rosemary Volpato

A Big Thank You

Hello Wai Lana,

I wanted to write and thank you for your program. I have been following along here in Canada on a PBS station for the last 3 weeks, and I’ve greatly enjoyed it. I’ve tried other programs, but I don’t enjoy them as much as yours. I think it’s the combination of the relaxing scenery and also the really great outfits you wear. (So bright and fun!)

Keep up the inspiring work!



8 years of great yoga

Dear Wai Lana,

I am so angry and disappointed that they have replaced your PBS show w/Power Yoga. Although I complained, I at least had you on Saturday and Sunday. Then even that changed to Power Yoga, so now you are not on any station in my area.

However, not to be outdone, I ordered all your DVDs, so I still have you. What still bothers me is I’ve had to change my morning routine because I was doing the entire DVD, making me late for work. So, I bought a new mattress that is wonderful and I don’t mind getting up earlier to do yoga w/ you. I’m even getting to work a little earlier with a lighter spring to my step.

Thanx for 8 years of great yoga. Although I can’t do everything you do because of my spinal arthritis, I at least make a modified try at everything. I miss seeing you on TV though. Hopefully enough of your fans will make a difference and make PBS realize that there should be room for both Power Yoga and Wai Lana Yoga so that all ages can enjoy the benefits of yoga.


Happy New Year

Happy New Year!… my dear Wai Lana!

You are verry beautiful and your show is almost equally as beautiful.

Keep on, keepin on  and we look forward to trying some of your products. I truly hope you and your family have a very happy holiday season and a fabulous 2011!

Lots of love,


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